




The national research to levy environment tax motor vehicles
  Time:2020-05-07  Viewed:1955

Report from our correspondent (reporter li-qiang) yesterday morning, attend the municipal NPC dongcheng, deputy director of the Beijing municipal development and reform commission of the youth league group Zhang Yanyou revealed to the media, countries have begun to study vehicle environment tax and fee reform.

Zhang Yanyou said, motor vehicle emissions will be included within the scope of environmental tax. Once implemented, Beijing motor vehicle owners to pay for emissions. Environmental tax is collected in the motor vehicle, the owner will be different according to the motor vehicle emissions, pay various taxes and fees. Buy high car owners, will certainly than buy low-emission vehicle owners pay more motor vehicle environment tax, levy tax similar to that of the vehicle. Zhang Yanyou, according to the specific collection time now has not yet been set.

According to media reports, the prevention and control of environmental pollution, said an official with the department of the ministry of finance and taxation is conferred with the environmental protection, to incorporate the content of the motor vehicle emissions in car pollution prevention and control, the content of the "run more mileage the higher the cost of the pay is correct."

It is understood that the environment has made environmental protection tax income increasing, with the approval of relevant ministries and commissions such as the Treasury's name and then to study is form. (source: Beijing)

Read on: our country preparing to levy environment tax design difficulties in determining the tax base

Environmental taxes, or ecological tax, green tax, international taxation is the end of the 20th century of academic concept, unified definition of has not been widely accepted. Generally speaking, it is the environment pollution and ecological destruction of social costs, internalized into the production cost and market price, and then through the market mechanism to allocate resources. Environment tax tax purpose is mainly to reduce the pollution damage to the environment, it will inevitably affect pollution tax burden of enterprise, to change its cost-benefit ratio, forcing companies to reassess their resources allocation efficiency. The latest survey shows that the member states of the organisation for economic co-operation and development so far launched a total of 375 kinds of environmental taxes, such as sulfur dioxide tax, taxes and duties on water pollution, noise, solid waste garbage tax, etc.

At present, China has yet to special environment tax tax. Although the vehicle purchase tax, fuel tax, consumption tax, resources tax, duties, export tax rebates, etc into account taxes or part of the current environmental protection, but some main show is related to environmental protection tax incentives and tax penalty rules, adjust the strength is relatively small. And even those related to environmental taxes, the tax revenue accounted for the proportion of tax revenue and GDP is much lower than developed countries, especially haven't associated with pollution tax is imposed, is also a lack of systematic environment tax policy.

Environmental protection environment, vice President of the sarft Wang Jinna believes that design environment tax is one of the biggest difficulties in the determination of tax base (emissions). He suggested that our country should be to levy a tax on environment from four aspects.


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