




Shanghai on November 1, early implementation of the four standard motor vehicles
  Time:2020-05-07  Viewed:2006

Xinhua news agency on October 27, Shanghai - learns from the Shanghai municipal environmental protection bureau, to control vehicle emissions further, strive to reduce vehicle exhaust emissions from fountainhead, Shanghai will from November 1, in the process of new car registration, for all the light-duty gasoline vehicles, as well as the public transport, sanitation, postal vehicles, the implementation of the four criteria in advance.

At the same time, 90 # gasoline will stop in Shanghai from November 1, the market supply.

In charge of Shanghai municipal environmental protection bureau said that the implementation of the four standards, light-duty gasoline vehicles on the basis of the three standards of pollutants can be reduced by about 50%, public transport, sanitation, postal vehicle emissions can be reduced about 30%, after the environmental benefits of pollution reduction will gradually reflect.

According to introducing, at present the Shanghai new car registered by the department of public security CheGuan related preparatory work has been in place, more than 3000 standard models approved by national environment audit has been released online.

At the same time, in order to control in motor vehicle emissions, Shanghai will stop using 90 # gasoline. Introduction of the environmental protection department, it can not change under the condition of the vehicle directly reduce the emissions of motor vehicles. The taxi is the main consumption group, 90 # gasoline and 40% of taxis in Shanghai had reached the second emission standards, 60% to the three standards.


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